Friday, December 3, 2010

Writing Down Your Own Ideas...Ain't Easy...

Hey Everyone,

This is my first "serious" entry about Writing.

Yes I am writing. Literature and Poetry. As far as I remember myself I was writing. I used to write poetry in High School and I still have my notebooks full of my poems. I think I need to re-read them, I might find a gem that I need to post. Unfortunately for my international friends it will be in Greek.

Those who know me from my previous fanfiction works are familiar with my plotlines.I loved fanfiction and I have read the most amazing stories in the TwiFandom. Almost two years later, I feel that I am more mature and I can open my wings and fly.

I have to confess that it is not easy to write both in Greek or English. In my case, I made a huge step 1,5 year ago when I started writing in English. Yes in English. For an non Native Speaker if you think that is easy, I can assure you that is not. I tried really hard by studying and reading literature or any other material that would help me to reach the level I have right now.

Whoever said that writing is easy I can tell you that you are definitely wrong. Writing is not easy. An author might have an idea, a plot to write but that doesn't make it easy at all. It is like you are left behind in deep blue sea and you have to learn to swim.

How you are going to get back at shore is your way of writing. You can use your imagination and you can create a very nice way of saving yourself or you can easily get drown.

This blog was made because I wanted to share with you, my path in writing. I cannot give you any advice because I am trying to find where I am standing too. But, I will continue to write my stories and poetry...

Those that will be around they will get to see my artistic nature. I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.

Until Tomorrow,

Have a nice day / night

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